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Using Passive Recruitment Techniques in the HVAC Sector

Using Passive Recruitment Techniques in the HVAC Sector

almost 9 years ago Empty Jason Thornhill


Finding the best candidates for specialist HVAC roles rarely involves us waiting for them to phone us. If we are going to find the right calibre of candidates to fill these types of positions for our clients, we need to use our networking skills and connections to find those high performers and tell them about the opportunities on offer.  

How passive recruitment helps our clients  

HVAC manufacturers are working in a highly competitive market and having the right sales people on their teams can make a huge difference to them commercially. Passive recruitment is a way of filling skills gaps proactively.

Many quality employees are happily settled with a company and not looking to move on – but that does not mean they could not be tempted by the right offer.   Advertising doesn’t always yield applicants with the right qualifications or level of expertise.

Often HVAC manufacturers are looking for specific experience within a sector that is relevant to their growing market. Passive recruitment allows for a more targeted approach that can benefit both client and candidate.    

How we find the right person for the job  

The one advantage of traditional recruitment is that candidates come to you, so you have very little work to do in the early stages. By contrast, passive recruitment does require some effort to track down the right person.  

At Thornhvac our enquiries come from a wide range of sources – social media, website enquiries, responses to advertising. We know the skills and experience our clients are looking for and this helps us filter out the best CVs.

The next step is for us to contact these shortlisted candidates to find out whether they really are worth putting forward for the job.  

We also network – on LinkedIn, in person and through our industry contacts. Often this leads us to some very talented individuals to whom we can suggest exciting new career opportunities.  

When we recruit passively, we will make initial contact with a candidate we believe may be well suited to a role. We’ll invite them to meet informally or speak over the phone in the first instance. We outline the opportunity and listen to their response.

If they are interested in taking things further we will set up an interview with us either by phone or face to face. If they’re not interested, we invite them to get back in touch in future if their circumstances change.  

Passive recruitment is more about career development than filling jobs. By providing the candidate with as much information as possible at the outset we help them assess whether or not the job on offer is a good move for them and will open up new paths for personal and professional development.