almost 7 years ago Empty Jason Thornhill
Thornhvac has launched its latest survey to find out which HVAC companies people most want to work for and why.
Here at Thornhvac we are keen to understand what motivates people in their choice of employer and what factors are most important to them when it comes to deciding which HVAC companies are the best to work for.
When we last conducted our research to find the HVAC companies people most want to work for, we found that employees value good management practices as well as investment in products and after sales service.
Our previous survey found that those firms perceived to be the best employers were the ones that delivered on service, product quality and brand presence.
Staff felt most loyal towards businesses that had good management practices and offered additional benefits such as financial incentives and flexible working.
The heating, ventilation and air conditioning industries move quickly and we feel the time is right to update the results and find out which companies are performing well in 2018.
We want to find the HVAC companies that people really want to work for – and to determine what makes a good employer in the eyes of its employees.
The survey is only brief and asks a few very quick multiple choice questions to find out which firms are perceived to be the best employers and why. The responses are completely anonymous but we hope that by gathering as many opinions as possible we’ll be able to understand what employees are looking for and help manufacturers do more to keep their top people.
You can take part by following the link below and we encourage you to share it with others working in the HVAC industry.
There is space at the end of the survey to fill in your contact details. This is optional. If you do this we’ll send you a copy of the results. We’ll also enter you into a draw to win £50 worth of Amazon vouchers as a thank you for your time.
Best HVAC Companies to Work For - take our survey now