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Why training is vital to the future of HVAC

Why training is vital to the future of HVAC

about 5 years ago Empty Jason Thornhill

Hvac Training

The future of the UK’s HVAC manufacturing industry depends on inspiring a new generation of engineers to take on board the responsibility for shaping its future. 

Recruiting and training tomorrow’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning innovators is a top priority for manufacturers and there are some exciting initiatives, like the Cool Science project, which hope to draw in new talent. 

Cool Science aims to tackle Britain’s engineering skills gaps by engaging school children in the science behind refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps. Cool Science uses events like the annual Big Bang science fair to communicate its message that HVAC is fun, exciting and important. 

Meanwhile, HVAC apprenticeships have increased in number in recent years and many seasoned HVAC professionals are now passing on their skills to apprentices. Structured training programmes operate within some of the biggest names in heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Apprentices learn how to install, repair and maintain equipment and gain a deep understanding of the commercial side of HVAC by visiting customers and learning about their priorities.  

Encouraging new talent to consider a career in HVAC is important but so too is the training and development of existing engineers. HVAC is going through a very exciting time with new technologies and evolving legislation. Manufacturers are entering new sectors to take advantage of evolving markets and HVAC engineers are being required to expand their skill base and understand new regulations and products. 

For manufacturers, the importance of having a well trained workforce has never been greater. Customers are becoming more knowledgeable and have increasingly stringent criteria to meet. Engineers who can provide them with the information they are looking for and answer their questions will be the best ambassadors for their company. 

With such a focus on training at every level of HVAC, there are plenty of opportunities for a rewarding career in this fast-moving and varied environment. Explore some of our HVAC job vacancies or call us on 0115 871 4777 to discuss your next career move.