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The 5 most appealing work benefits and job hooks for attracting top JavaScript talent

The 5 most appealing work benefits and job hooks for attracting top JavaScript talent

almost 5 years ago Empty Jenni Moulson

Fun Office

JavaScript developers are hot currency at the moment so what can employers do to tempt the top talent to come and work for them? How can they make their job opportunity stand out from the crowd? We asked our expert JavaScript recruiter Liam for his insider tips.

Liam says: “I’ve worked with software developers who specialise in JavaScript and other sought-after technologies for some time and I’m always keen to listen to what they’re looking for in a role. Everyone’s priorities are slightly different, but here are some of the key things employers need to be thinking about.”

Company culture

Culture matters, whatever industry you’re in. It isn’t just about attracting good people, it’s about keeping them too. If you have created a genuinely collaborative environment and a positive attitude towards flexible working, your team will appreciate that and will want to work for you. They will also be more productive and willing to contribute new ideas. Software developers are smart people though, so if your idea of a positive work environment is simply providing a bowl of free fruit in the office to tick the culture box, they’ll quickly suss you out.

Remote working

There will always be two camps here – those who thrive on the team spirit of an office environment and those who would take a pay cut if it meant they didn’t have to face a long commute every day. The message to employers is that it is worth thinking about hiring someone who prefers to work from home, even if that isn’t your ideal. If it means getting the right skills for your business or project, keep an open mind about remote working. The other advantage is that you get to choose from a much bigger talent pool, not just those within commutable distance from your office.

Start-ups v big firm

Start-ups often tell us that they struggle to attract good talent because the best developers prefer the security of a bigger, more established firm. In our experience, that isn’t always the case. Developers are attracted by many things and the size of the company isn’t always at the top of their list. It is far more likely that candidates are being lured by some of the things we have mentioned above. The key for start-ups is to excite the developer about the project itself and the scope for creativity. On the whole, developers are not risk averse. They work in an ever-changing market which means they have an adaptable mindset and are often willing to give something a try if it sounds interesting.

Developing something new

Continuing on from the last point, many developers would rather work on a greenfield project with any company, large or small, than take on a role that involves simply maintaining something that has already been built. If you are looking to expand your JavaScript or software team to support innovation, your hiring strategy should take this into account. It makes sense to hire for a new project rather than moving existing staff onto the latest innovation and recruiting extra people to fill their places on the maintenance side.


Finally, one issue that comes up a lot is training and development. Technologies are constantly changing and software developers are used to having to continually upskill. If you are struggling to find someone with the experience you need for a particular technology, consider offering the role to someone who is willing to learn. If they have knowledge of other similar languages or platforms, the chances are they will be able to adapt and pick it up pretty quickly. They may even be willing to take a bit of a salary drop in exchange for training (which could involve time set aside each week for online learning).

Whatever your business objectives, Thornhills can help you develop a hiring strategy and find the right people to support growth and innovation. Talk to us. Contact Liam at