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Fancy a career change? 6 reasons why recruitment could be your best move

Fancy a career change? 6 reasons why recruitment could be your best move

over 6 years ago Empty Jason Thornhill

High Fives

When people are thinking about a career change the recruitment industry may not be at the top of their list but here are 6 very good reasons why perhaps it should.

It’s a great choice if you’re sociable

A lot of office jobs these days seem to involve long hours spent staring at a screen shuffling emails. The vibrant workplaces we once knew and loved have fallen silent as employees communicate electronically, even with those sitting right opposite them. Recruitment, on the other hand, involves plenty of communication with clients and candidates to get to know who you’re dealing with and keep them informed as the process moves along. There is always plenty of discussion between colleagues too, as they share experiences and advice.  

It’s good fun

Recruitment can be a rollercoaster and whatever highs and lows you experience, your team will be there to share them with you. As our own trainee recruitment consultant Stacey mentioned in a recent blog, we really pull together, especially when things don’t go quite to plan. Sometimes good candidates decide not to take up the opportunity you’ve found for them and sometimes the client chooses someone you hadn’t expected. No two days are ever the same and this helps to create a dynamic and exciting work environment.

It’s flexible

Recruitment is the sort of role that lends itself to flexible working. Each consultant will be dealing with their own clients and candidates and they can often tailor their working hours around family life and outside interests. This is something we are very keen to support at Thornhvac and we have the systems and infrastructure in place to facilitate this.

If you like problem solving, recruitment could be for you

Recruitment is all about finding solutions. If a client has a skills gap that they need to fill or an area of their business that requires a certain set of qualities, it’s your job as a recruitment consultant to solve that problem for them.  In our role as HVAC recruiters we all get to know our field really well, so we understand the types of candidates that will fill the need our clients describe to us.

Choose the right recruitment company for a rewarding role

There are different types of recruitment company and your preconceptions may be based on experiences with other firms who do things differently. Here at Thornhvac we operate a team business and we work together to achieve company targets rather than setting individual benchmarks. Regular team meetings encourage strong communication throughout the business and ensure each member of staff feels valued and listened to.

There’s scope for career development

Recruitment develops many different skills which are transferable, in particular communication and an understanding of how businesses operate, recruit and grow. Here at Thornhvac, we are strong believers that business success depends on investing in quality people and we are committed to the training and development of our employees.

We work predominantly with clients in the HVAC sector, which is currently enjoying strong growth so our services are in high demand.  It is an exciting time for the industry with lots of opportunities for our recruiters to develop their own specialisms.

Thornhvac is a strong advocate of career development and training, not just for the individual but to develop managers of the future. Two more trainees joined us this month who, in parallel to their recruitment training, will be doing a four-year Management Degree Apprenticeship.

To find out more about working in recruitment with Thornhvac visit our Working for Us page.